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Carol MacKinlay

In her various roles as Chief People Officer, Carol is responsible for global recruiting, talent management, employee engagement and corporate governance programs. She has been a successful executive for Binance. US, a key U.S. cryptocurrency exchange; Plantronics (NYSE:PLT), a premier electronics manufacturer; Xero (ASX: XERO), vendor of beautiful accounting software; Coverity, now the Software Integrity Group of Synopsis; Matterport (NASDAQ: MTTR), an immersive 3D media technology company; and UserTesting (formerly NYSE: USER), a video-first platform to experience how real people engage with products, designs and brands. In these roles, she created and executed programs to drive business strategy, achieve cost-efficiency, compensate fairly, ensure inclusivity, and develop world class company cultures. Carol has also worked as a management and Board consultant with the KPMG financial strategy and executive compensation consulting teams and as a founder of Compensation and Performance Management, Inc. - a boutique executive compensation consultancy. She holds a BA in Applied Mathematics from U.C. Berkeley and an MBA in Venture Management from the Marshall School of Business at USC.

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